Monday, January 14, 2013

Food Heaven

Another successful and busy day! After cleaning and organizing the kitchen, my mom and I took V and headed out to Whole about food heaven! Who ever knew that there were four different kinds of sweet potatoes?! On this trip I went with the basics for making V's food, but next time I will be more prepared and explore new godies to make for the wee one...and for the adults! V was able to try a new food today however, her first teething "cookie"! She loved it!

After working a bit more, and a nap for V, we headed to check out some of the great stores on 2nd Street. I will have to dedicate a whole post to tell you about them...each store is just wonderful.

p.s. Have I failed to mention that it is pretty darn cold here??? Vivi is turning in to a little city baby with her covered stroller...she is set for all of the elements!


  1. I think she gets her love of cookies from her daddy

  2. Sounds fun. I want to come visit! Hope you all are getting settled in! xo
