Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hearts and Franks

This week flew by, I apologize for no posts! But, I can give you a recap!

Earlier in the week I finally had everything together to do the Valentine photo shoot with Vivi I had been wanting to do. Since we don't have Uncle Dustin here, I had to dust off my SLR and brush up on my photography skills...I need to do some more brushing! But, in the end I was able to get a handful of good shots (that Uncle Dustin helped touch-up) and a sweet little card made!

Below are a couple of photos from the end of the shoot. V decided it was time to have some fun with the backdrop, thus ending the session. I will do a special post with the winning photos on Valentines Day.

I got smart during a Whole Foods run: When getting a smoothie, I poured V her own portion in the Lollacup. This smart move allowed me to enjoy my smoothie and Vivi to happily chug hers down without me interrupting her to snag a sip. Go mama go!

The weather has been beautiful! We have been enjoying walks in the city and on the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail. Plenty of people and dog watching to keep V kicking those little feet of hers the whole time!

Well, this is just a cute photo of Miss V that I thought I would add in.

In food news, the three of us ventured to Frank for dinner on Friday night. If you are looking for artisan sausage, this is the place to go! With names like, "Notorious P.I.G." and "Carolina Pork It" we knew we were in for a treat. Also, for those with special diets, they have a veggie and gluten free section of the menu...vegan dog anyone? (I also have to mention that they have a couple of gluten free beer options!)

After going through the menu, J decided to go with the Slaw Dog and I went with German Currywurst, we shared a side of the Corn Cup. Delicious! I would have never thought curry would be so tasty in this combination...even V enjoyed a taste of the flavorful curry sauce.

At the end of the meal we left the retro/modern/historical clad restaurant perfectly plump and happy!

So far the weekend has been enjoyably busy. I look forward to reporting out tomorrow night on our eating and personal adventures!

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