This week started off with something familiar, Vivi's swim class! I was able to grab some better pictures for you action ones, but Peanut in her swim diaper is pretty darn cute! She was too busy watching all of the other little ones to pay attention to me taking a photo.
After, we hit up Austin Java for a little smoothie...our little foodie is obsessed with smoothies! Not sure if it's because I drank them all the time while pregnant, but she is a junkie. At this particular smoothie session, Vivi discovered her "voice". Every time she would take a sip and I would pull the delectable treat away, she would quickly let out a high pitched squeal. Oh this little girl!
Today I had scheduled a babysitter to come and watch V while I tackled the closet. Jonathan had managed to unpack before I arrived, but my clothes had been in the boxes for the past two weeks. So, I called Andrea's favorite babysitter for a little "home test" so I could get my clothes and shoes out in the open. Two hours later, my shoes were in their new home and Vivi had made a new friend. But, I think this mama needs a couple more test runs before a true date night with the hubby...maybe it's a new mom thing, but leaving her with someone I don't know comes with some anxiety for me! Any words of advice from other moms out there?
Later in the afternoon, we walked down to Jo's for what has become a bit of an afternoon ritual. By 3:00pm we usually need some fresh air, a change of scenery and I usually need a bit of caffeine. Today, instead of walking with my coffee, we stayed put on the cafe patio. While I enjoyed an iced latte, Vivi enjoyed some people and bird watching.
The birds in Austin are true pests, always waiting for a turned head in order to swoop in and steal a bit of food. Today I passed on the spray bottles, labeled "Bird-be-Gone", so that Vivi could happily study the birds continually walking by the stroller. (Don't worry they weren't coming too close.) She was able to see a bit more action when an employee came out and used the "Bird-be-Gone", sending the birds to the branches above. Who knew birds could hold a little one's attention for so long?
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A little bit of this, a little bit that.
Today flew by! We started the morning with a run to the other side of the river. On the other side we stumbled upon a great little smoothie/juice establishment called Juice Land. A tiny little place, that without all of the large chotckies and quirky signs, we would have walked right past. The inside is small, but they do not lack a long list of fresh juices and smoothies to order from. J and Vivi waited outside while I put the order in for the post-run treats. Once we had the smoothies in hand (they were delicious!) we headed over to the Long Center for the Architects of Air: Exxopolis Luminarium.
On our way we passed an event at the Palmer Events Center that had horses outside. Well, we could not pass up the opportunity for V to see her first live horse, so we took a few extra minutes to visit.
When we arrived for the exhibition, the line didn't seem to be too long, but then we learned that where we were in line would result in a 3 hour wait! Sorry Charlie, that is a bit too long with a 6 month old! With that, we called it a morning and headed back to the condo for V to grab a nap before brunch.
After some freshening up we met up with Uncle Nicky and went to Haddingtons. A quaint little tavern a few blocks away from the condo featuring a minimal but eclectic menu. The inside takes you to a historical tavern over in England with rustic wood floors, period lighting and The Beatles playing throughout.
Jonathan ordered the Slow Cooked Brisket Hash and I opted for the Sweet Potato Pancakes. Both delicious! Miss V even got to experience some of the pancakes, she approved!
On our way we passed an event at the Palmer Events Center that had horses outside. Well, we could not pass up the opportunity for V to see her first live horse, so we took a few extra minutes to visit.
When we arrived for the exhibition, the line didn't seem to be too long, but then we learned that where we were in line would result in a 3 hour wait! Sorry Charlie, that is a bit too long with a 6 month old! With that, we called it a morning and headed back to the condo for V to grab a nap before brunch.
After some freshening up we met up with Uncle Nicky and went to Haddingtons. A quaint little tavern a few blocks away from the condo featuring a minimal but eclectic menu. The inside takes you to a historical tavern over in England with rustic wood floors, period lighting and The Beatles playing throughout.
Jonathan ordered the Slow Cooked Brisket Hash and I opted for the Sweet Potato Pancakes. Both delicious! Miss V even got to experience some of the pancakes, she approved!
The rest of the day we took it pretty easy. We did walk over to St. Bernard for Jonathan to do a little shopping with a gift card from Christmas, but other than that...nothing to write on the blog about!
We hope you all had a great Saturday as well!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
And Whole Foods pulls ahead!
Today was one of those days where it was 3:00pm before you knew it, and you're not quite sure what all was accomplished. The weather here was beautiful today, so being a Michigander, I wanted to take advantage and make sure my little fish was able to get some pool time here at the condo.
There were a few basic groceries I needed to get, but because it was already so late in the day I decided to try out one of the "amenities" the Ashton grocery delivery from Whole Foods! One phone call later and my grocery order was in, a couple hours later (my order was the forth in line) the grocery bag, filled with my goodies, was at the door! And between ordering and receiving the goods, Vivi and I were able to enjoy some pool time before her nap.
In the great "Whole Foods or Central Market" debate, Whole Foods has pulled ahead.
In the great "Whole Foods or Central Market" debate, Whole Foods has pulled ahead.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I feel like this photo needs no words...this girl LOVED Gymboree! Balls, bubbles, a parachute and other babies, yes, she had a grand ol' time!
I was a tad sore during Gymboree today. Jonathan and I have started working out with a trainer, and yesterday was my first had been a while since I had worked my body that hard and I was paying for it today. So laying on my back while having V on my legs in the air, ouch! We have another session with the trainer in the morning. I know day two is always the worst, so I am bracing myself for a tough start to the day. Jonathan might have to carry me back to the condo!
Vivi had her 6 month appointment yesterday...
Drum roll please! 18 pounds 8.5 ounces! That puts her in the 90th percentile for weight and her height, 25 inches, is in the 20th. She is our perfectly plump and healthy baby girl!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday Funday
This morning she had her first swim class at Emler Swim School (highly recommended by Andrea) and it was great! I had an idea V (and mom) was going to enjoy it for several reasons. First, she was going to be around other babies/toddlers. Sure enough she was in heaven with the other kids running all around her, she even made a new friend. They both loved splashing around in the water together, so cute! Second, the salt water pool is set to a warm 90 degrees...I didn't have to worry about her little chin chattering after a 30 minute class. Finally, the class is structured so that each song and activity helps the baby become more comfortable in the water as well as teach them how to swim. By the end of the course in June, Vivi should be able to hold her breath under water for 3 seconds...crazy!!
(Sorry for zero photos of her in the pool, I promise some once there is a visitor to snap some shots of us in the pool!)
After a nap and lunch, we walked across the street to the Austin Children's Museum. V is still a tad young to take advantage of the toddler area, but she still had a great time exploring new sights, textures and sounds. Best of all she was able to watch other kids and the fish...she was a happy girl!
After the museum, Mama needed a coffee! We strolled down to Jo's for an iced coffee. With coffee in hand, we walked down 2nd to enjoy the sunshine and some window shopping. Ahh!
Back at the condo, I decided to try out a new recipe for V's dinner. Kale, potato and green beans with parm and olive oil, yum! Vivi loved it! Thank you Chef Florence for another wonderful recipe! I even ended up trying a new salad for J and I, delicious!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Slow Sunday
Well, it wasn't too slow, we managed a trip to Central Market, lunch at Jo's and then an evening run.
I was intrigued to check out Central Market, a competitor to Whole Foods here in Austin. My sister-in-law was told that you are either a Central Market or Whole Foods shopper, so I had to compare after visiting Whole Foods last week. And the verdict is in...I like both, but CM has a bit of a lead. I enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere while shopping and CM has don't feel so overwhelmed. But, I love WF's for their cafe and close location to the condo. Suppose I will just have to give both some lovin' from time to time.
Below is a photo of Vivi at lunch while she was talking away to our table neighbors. This little girl always has a grand time talking with people, today was no different. She also has been enjoying watching all of the birds and visiting with the dogs of Austin. Such a social butterfly!
I was intrigued to check out Central Market, a competitor to Whole Foods here in Austin. My sister-in-law was told that you are either a Central Market or Whole Foods shopper, so I had to compare after visiting Whole Foods last week. And the verdict is in...I like both, but CM has a bit of a lead. I enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere while shopping and CM has don't feel so overwhelmed. But, I love WF's for their cafe and close location to the condo. Suppose I will just have to give both some lovin' from time to time.
Below is a photo of Vivi at lunch while she was talking away to our table neighbors. This little girl always has a grand time talking with people, today was no different. She also has been enjoying watching all of the birds and visiting with the dogs of Austin. Such a social butterfly!
Saturday, January 19, 2013

After a fun-filled morning, and an afternoon nap for the wee one, we headed over to SoCo for some lunch at the South Congress Cafe. The wait ended up being a while, so we headed out to explore some shops. We stopped in to an art/vintage store and then stumbled across the Big Top Candy Shop...well I think we found it more because of the delicious smell that was coming from the constantly opening front door. The walls are lined with enough candy to satisfy any sweet tooth and the menu advertises a classic list of refreshments and ice cream treats. We were going to indulge before lunch, but with a line the length of the store, we opted to come back during the week.
Thankfully, shortly after we left Big Top I received a text on my phone saying that our table at the cafe was ready. J and I both picked specials for the day; a brie and prosciutto omelet and blueberry and lemon pancakes. Yum! I also indulged in a little blueberry coconut mojito...delish!
Saturday Morning in Photos
A little stroller assembly, a little run, some gorilla spotting, yummy smoothies and a trip through the farmer's market. The perfect little morning!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Well, the time finally came. Vivi loves water and she now officially will drink through a straw. So, I did a search to find out if any stores in Austin carried this sweet lip cup, and sure enough, I found one! A great store called Wildflower, featuring organic products for the home. Once my mom and I arrived, I realized I had already been there with my sister-in-law and was elated to get back in there to look at the baby section (the other part of the store is gorgeous as well, but let's be honest, I am addicted to baby/children products).
After "ooooing" and "awwing" at everything, my mom located the Lollacup. So cute! We took the cup, and a couple other of goodies, and headed for home. After washing the cup, I added some water and the second V saw the lovely pink bird headed her way, she became very excited. Not wasting any time, she grabbed the little handles and went to town.
Lollacup = Huge success!
Retail heaven?
I think I found it at the Jonathan Adler store. I have forever loved looking at his items online, but now to be able to go to an actual store?! Yes, retail heaven.
My first pottery piece from JA is a beautiful silver bird bowl (shown below)...let the collection begin!
My first pottery piece from JA is a beautiful silver bird bowl (shown below)...let the collection begin!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
P. Terry's
Many of you know I am not a huge fast food person, but the second my sister-in-law took me to this burger stand...I was as happy as a clam. All natural beef, options for chicken or veggie burgers, whole wheat buns, delicious fries, fresh squeezed lemonade...I could go on and on.
This place makes me feel a little less guilty when pulling up to the next window.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Food Heaven
Another successful and busy day! After cleaning and organizing the kitchen, my mom and I took V and headed out to Whole about food heaven! Who ever knew that there were four different kinds of sweet potatoes?! On this trip I went with the basics for making V's food, but next time I will be more prepared and explore new godies to make for the wee one...and for the adults! V was able to try a new food today however, her first teething "cookie"! She loved it!
After working a bit more, and a nap for V, we headed to check out some of the great stores on 2nd Street. I will have to dedicate a whole post to tell you about them...each store is just wonderful.
p.s. Have I failed to mention that it is pretty darn cold here??? Vivi is turning in to a little city baby with her covered stroller...she is set for all of the elements!
After working a bit more, and a nap for V, we headed to check out some of the great stores on 2nd Street. I will have to dedicate a whole post to tell you about them...each store is just wonderful.
p.s. Have I failed to mention that it is pretty darn cold here??? Vivi is turning in to a little city baby with her covered stroller...she is set for all of the elements!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
First Full Day
Well, we are all here...even Grandma!
V had a great flight down yesterday, she was a champ! J and I were excited to finally be able to show my mom around Austin, so once we dropped off the bags at the condo we headed out for a little walk down 2nd and ended up at Cantina Laredo for delicious margaritas and a very enjoyable dinner.
This morning we were able to start setting up V's room before heading out for coffee at my favorite place, Austin Java, and then brunch at Coal Vines. After, it was time to do some shopping at BuyBuyBaby and (the always loved) HomeGoods.
Just when you would think the day is over, we headed to SoCo for some food trailer fun and a visit to Uncommon Objects and Allens Boots...whew! Packed day, but ready for more tomorrow!
V had a great flight down yesterday, she was a champ! J and I were excited to finally be able to show my mom around Austin, so once we dropped off the bags at the condo we headed out for a little walk down 2nd and ended up at Cantina Laredo for delicious margaritas and a very enjoyable dinner.
This morning we were able to start setting up V's room before heading out for coffee at my favorite place, Austin Java, and then brunch at Coal Vines. After, it was time to do some shopping at BuyBuyBaby and (the always loved) HomeGoods.
Just when you would think the day is over, we headed to SoCo for some food trailer fun and a visit to Uncommon Objects and Allens Boots...whew! Packed day, but ready for more tomorrow!
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